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My Journey to The Jewellers' Retreat

Writer's picture: Kate SeowKate Seow

Have you seen the second season of The Jewellers Retreat? If so, you might be wondering how such an opportunity came my way... (and if not, you might want to catch up here). Well, it ultimately all stems back to my decision at the end of 2020 to invest in myself by enrolling on the Diploma in Fine Jewellery. I enjoyed it so much that when the opportunity to continue my studies came along in the form of the Advanced Jewellery Diploma, I jumped at the chance. The rest, as they say, is history: the Jewellers Academy team got in touch with me part way through the Advanced diploma to invite me to take part in the Retreat, and I knew this was an opportunity that I didn't want to miss. But why did I enrol on that first diploma, all the way back when it felt like the World was falling apart?

On the beach at The Jewellers Retreat: (left to right) me, Jessica Rose, Kath Dare and Tressa Amir. Photography by Karen Young, shared with kind permission.

1. I wanted to improve my skills

Out of the chaos of 2020, one event stood out - my sister-in-law's wedding, for which I had created their engagement and wedding rings. This was my first wedding set and I felt honoured and privileged to be asked to make something so meaningful. It also lit a spark in me, a desire to create (more) gorgeous fine jewellery. The only problem was, in order to create the designs I was imagining, I needed to up-skill. I had a list of techniques that I wanted to learn or improve, but no idea where to start...

2. There were no suitable courses nearby

Putting aside that fact that it was 2020 and all in-person classes/courses were closed, there were still no suitable courses within easy reach. The classes available were either at least an hour away, or weren't offering what I needed to learn. There was also the worry that the cost of attending all the relevant in-person courses would quickly mount up, especially when travel and accommodation was factored in.

3. I needed the flexibility to work around my family

My family situation meant that I was taking on the majority of the childcare duties - my husband was working long and irregular hours including nights and weekends and we had no family living nearby to help out. This meant that I needed a course that I could fit in around my other responsibilities, squeeze in an hour or two here, or alternatively not worry about missing a week because of school holidays.

A few of my favourite projects from the Diploma in Fine Jewellery. Photography by Karen Young, shared with kind permission.

This was where both the Diploma in Fine Jewellery and Advanced Jewellery Diploma came into their own. Between them, they covered all the techniques that I desperately wanted to learn, I could complete the projects in my own workshop and the "access any time" video format of the courses meant I could fit it in around my daily routine. Even the live Q&A sessions were recorded so I could catch up with them later, plus there was the option to ask questions in advance if I knew I wouldn't be able to make it.

Both these courses came along at exactly the right time for me, and I enrolled on them without hesitation. I knew that I would gain a lot of valuable knowledge and skills from them, but what I hadn't anticipated was quite how much my confidence would grow, not just in my technical skills, but also in myself, my signature style and my ability to run my business. I have come away with a much clearer vision of where I ultimately see myself in the jewellery industry, I have more defined goals and I have a stronger drive to achieve them.

A few of my favourite projects from the Advanced Jewellery Diploma. Photography by Karen Young, shared with kind permission.

And how could I have known way back when I first clicked "Enrol Now" on the Diploma in Fine Jewellery that it would take me on a journey over 300 miles to the South Coast to take part in the experience of a lifetime, filming season 2 of The Jewellers Retreat with a group of people I had never met in person until that point, but are becoming lifelong friends? These diplomas have opened doors for me that I could never have imagined: some of them are obvious, but some were tucked away in my mind, hidden until the lock clicked and the light shone through.

Are you considering embarking on a jewellery diploma from Jewellers Academy? There are currently 4 available:

  • the Diploma in Silver Jewellery (ideal for beginners wanting to reach professional level)

  • the Diploma in Fine Jewellery (perfect for intermediate to advanced jewellers and to follow on from the Silver diploma)

  • the Advance Jewellery Diploma (for advanced level jewellers and to follow on from the Fine diploma)

  • the Diploma in Silver Metal Clay (for beginner to intermediate metal-clay artists)

Enrolment for all four diplomas is currently open and you can find out more by visiting

Affiliate statement

As a member of the Diploma Launch Team, I am proud to be affiliated with Jewellers Academy for these courses. Through this affiliation, I may receive affiliate payments at no cost to you. I wholeheartedly believe in this Diploma course and wouldn't endorse it otherwise and I'm excited to be sharing this with others who are passionate about jewellery making. If you do enrol on this course and are referred by me, I would love you to let me know and also to let Jewellers Academy know at

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